Our Culture

At Redeeming Grace Church, we are passionate about living out a culture of following Jesus together. Our culture is the natural result of the doctrine we believe and the habits we develop. Gospel doctrine produces gospel culture. When Gospel doctrine and Gospel culture come together in a church community, everyone sees and experiences the glory of Christ. Here is what our culture will be marked by:

Compelling Exposition

We make the word of God central by preaching it with passion and clarity.

Meaningful Membership

We show our love for Jesus by making a real commitment to His bride, the church.

Relentless Prayer

We trust God in all things therefore with go to Him in all circumstances.


Compassionate Service

We do not look to be served but to serve as Jesus has served us.

Genuine Hospitality

We share not just the gospel but our lives and homes with others.

Serious Discipleship

We go all out in our pursuit of being transformed by Jesus.


Joyful Worship

We love to express our heartfelt praise to God.

Eager Generosity

We delight in opportunities to steward what God has given us for the good of others.

Patient Endurance

We fight for one another in all the trials, temptations, and troubles of life.